World Water Day was celebrated on 23rd March, 2022. Student teachers performed Skits, Street plays, Dance etc. Highlighting the need to focus on the importance of freshwater and advocating for the sustainable management of freshwater resources. It is about taking action to tackle the global water crisis, in support of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6:...Read More
International Women’s Day was celebrated on 8th March 2022, with expert talk by Dr. Eknath Zharekar, Principal Mahatma Night Degree College, Chembur on Financial Literacy – A step to Women Empowerment. Dr. Zharekar gave insights into various aspects of financial planning and stressed the need to manage financial resources judiciously. On the occasion of International...Read More
Freedom in our minds, strength in words, pride in our souls, zeal in your hearts Let’s salute our India on 73rd Republic Day. Republic Day was celebrated with great enthusiasm. On this special day, lets promise to preserve the heritage and bring glory to our motherland. Through this video we are showing the unity, love...Read More
Christmas, the festival of joy, happiness and love was celebrated in great grandeur. The celebration was marked by the mind blowing performances by students teachers. The program included skits, music, dance and games. Christmas Celebrations (photos and Videoes)Read More
Constitution Day was commemorated on 26 th November 2021, The student teachers and staff members of MJCE participated in Reading Aloud of Preamble and reiterated to uphold the values of Constitution [print_gllr id=7981]Read More
Mahatma Junior College of Education celebrated Navratri with great divinity. Students participated and performed in divya veshbhusha contest. Vaishnavi and Dharini of F.Y. D.El.Ed. rendered Saraswathi Vandhana.Read More
Literacy is needed for progress in our society. Literacy is a driver of sustainable development. It empowers individuals and improves their living standards. Sustainable development Goal defines literacy as an integral part of education and lifelong learning premised on humanism. Also literacy is important to a human centered recovery from Covid-19. To mark the importance...Read More